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泰国是亚洲食品市场的贸易中心。亚洲国际食品配料展是亚洲关于食品及健康配料最高层次的行业国际盛会。往期的亚洲国际配料泰国展汇集了来自全球各地超过1,300 家展商, 吸引了超过100个国家的26000名专业观众,整体购买力达到71%。

Thailand is the trading hub of Asia's food markets. Fi Asia Thailand is the highest level of food and health ingredients industry in Asia. The previous Fi Asia Thailand brought together more than 1,300 exhibitors from all over the world, attracted 26,000 professional visitors from more than 100 countries, and the overall purchasing power reached 71%.


International Trade and Exhibition Center
88 Debaratna Rd, Bang Na, Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand

See route

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  • 安琪酵母股份有限公司